Hastha Mudra sequence to unblock energies of the Higher Chakras
This is an excellent example of how the hands can be used to generate Pranic energies and awareness at the different Chakric levels thus unblocking the impurities (mala) that hinder free and smooth energy flows through the psycho-physiological-spiritual aspects of our entire being.
1. Take up a straight back sitting position with your palms on your thighs and perform a few rounds of deep breathing.
2. Slowly stretch your arms upwards and join your palms together in the Anjali Mudra. The whole back is given an excellent stretch in this pose. The entire Pranamaya Kosha as well as the Sahasrara Chakra and all the higher Anda Chakras that exist above it are energized by this Mudra.
3. Hold the Mudra for a few seconds and contemplate the higher consciousness that is centered in this region.
4. Slowly bring your hands down to your head with your wrists touching the top of your head thus forming a beautiful triangular frame for your face. This is the Kailash Mudra that energizes the Sahasrara Chakra. Focus your mind on this area which is related to the prefrontal region of the brain and is important for the development of an integrated personality.
5. When the hands are brought down from the Kailash Mudra and placed in front of the forehead we can energize our Ajna Chakra or centre of inner intuition. This energizes our Pituitary Gland which is the master conductor of our endocrine orchestra and helps us to obtain excellent glandular health.
6. As we bring the Namaskar Mudra to the front of the neck we can feel the energetic vibrations that recharge the Vishuddha Chakra and normalize our thyroid function. Concentrate on this vital region as the stress related Thyroid disorders may be prevented and managed by this simple practice that works at the level of our energy body.
7. When the Namaskar Mudra is brought down to the chest region we can feel the healing energies flood through our Anahatha or heart Chakra. Let the qualities of compassion and empathy flow through this centre to help us become a better and more humane being with a universal outlook.
This sequence of Hastha Mudras helps us to recharge our psychic battery, that is our Pranamaya Kosha and thus produces health and well being at all levels of our existence.