Marking the Golden Birthday in Style
Every birthday is special as it reminds us that we are born on earth as a human being for a purpose, to fulfill our Dharma.
However this 50th birthday of mine has indeed been very special as it brought forth a loving avalanche of wishes and blessings from my Yoga family worldwide.
When I look back at the past 50 years, all I can feel is a deep and infinite gratitude to life for the Divine who has manifested this “Life of Yoga” for me.
To have been born to my Guru-Parents who have nourished my spiritual evolution every moment, is nothing sort of a miracle, as both of them have shown me what it is to “Be Humane, and Manifest Divinity”.
When in doubt, all I need to ask myself is, “What would Swamiji and Ammaji have done in this situation?”- and at once all is clear in my consciousness.
As we performed the Swarna Janmotsav Homam at ICYER guided by Sri Nataraja Shastrigal, my eyes filled with tears as I realized how fortunate I have been in this lifetime. When we can realise how blessed we are, we then are indeed doubly blessed.
To have loving parents who have been my illustrious Gurus, and to have had great teachers and mentors who have been loving parents to me is something that I can never forget. They have been the best living role models anyone could desire.
Every one of them from my times as a child and a youth to the present, has played a vital role in creating “what” and “who” I am today. I bow down in deep respect and offer my humble Sashtang Namaskaram to each and every one of these, Divine Souls.
My beloved Dharmapatri Devasena, and my adorable children Dhivya Priya and Anandraj continue to support me and enable me to focus one pointedly on my Swadharma; to serve Yoga to the best of my ability. My Dharma has truly also become theirs too.
My Spiritual Children of course make sure that I always have the round-the-clock-support I need at any time and every time.
“Teach, teach and teach”, is all I that wish to do 24 hours/day and all of my dearest students worldwide enable me to do that with their responsive enthusiasm, loving presence and sincere questioning that brings out the best in me.
If you don’t show up for class, whom do I teach?
Every time you all show up, and I get a chance to share, I am blessed with yet another opportunity to truly connect with the vast and wise universe that is there within all of us.
My Worldwide Yoga Family has shown me how much they love and value this life of Yoga, and that motivates me to vow to continue to “Stand up for Yoga”, come what may.
We must be worthy children of our Divine Mother Yoga and serve her with every breath, till our last one. Nothing else will be a better expression of our infinite love and gratitude.
Hari Om Tat Sat.