New Year’s Message from Swamiji
Lets us pass through “The Gate of Peace’ in this new year by achieving peace, contentment, happiness and spiritual understanding in ourselves, so that this can spread to our world.
Let us take a vow to dispense with lip service and the guise of pious action which holds us to the decadent past — let us walk forward in full knowingness to claim our “New World”, created through simple adherence to honesty and truth.
This “New World” must come, this priceless treasure awaits us, but it does demand a price from each one of us. Peace can only be purchased in the currency of spiritual honesty, personal and communal unselfishness, love, both individual and universal, generosity of thought, word and deed and genuine humility.
The price of peace includes the sacrifice of personal gains and ego pursuits for the greater good of spiritual unfoldment and natural evolution which will bring about Universal Peace.
Won’t you walk with me through “The Gate of Peace” at this door of the New Year. Let us walk arm-in-arm with this resolve as our guide: “Let there be peace. May it begin with me”.
Happy New Year 2024!!
**Yoga Life, New Year’s Message 1971. Excerpted from Gita Inspirations by Yogamaharishi Dr Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj